Welcome Research Assistants!
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Research Lab Information
Current Lab Students (2023-2024)
Sunni Walters (Graduate Student)
Thomas Morris (Graduate Student)
Leslie Bicknell (Undergraduate Student)
Alana Tucker (Undergraduate Student)
Carole Fowler (Undergraduate Student)
Abigail Estep (Undergraduate Student)
Ashton Burchfield (Undergraduate Student)
Gore Lab Alumni
In Careers
Dr. Jennifer McGowan (Emergency Physician at U of L hospital)
Nichole Zimmerman-Jones (Organizational Development Specialist)
Koehler Waldrop (Pharmacist, Good Neighbor Pharmacy)
Dr. Allison Kiefner-Burmeister (Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Findlay)
Cecily Stilley (Sales Consultant, Office Depot)
Sharon Trew (Behavior Analyst, Little Star Center)
Tyler Schnieders (Behavior Specialist, Homeplace Support Services)
Dr. Jill Rogers (School Psychologist, Fayette County Public Schools)
Jessica Ruark (Behavior Technician, Autism and Behavior Concepts)
Jessica Vance (Behavior Analyst, Eastern State Hospital)
Dr. Amanda Sheppard (Psychologist, Kentucky River Community Care Inc.)
Everett Sambrook (Organizational Specialist, Toyota)
Miranda Waters (Psychometrist, WVU Medicine)
Jeremy Gibson (Project Coordinator, University of Louisville)
Morgan Bartley (Behavioral Health Specialist, LifeSkills Inc.)
Ashley Harrison (Behavior Specialist, LifeWorks)
Kristina Dukes (School Psychologist, Jefferson County Public Schools)
Alyss Hudson (Equine Instructor, Central Kentucky Riding for Hope)
Damon Tichenor (Adjunct Professor, Eastern Kentucky University)
In Graduate School
Keshia Wagers (Miami University)
Raven Hester (Georgia State University)
Michaela Herbig (Spalding University)
Alexandra Szarabajko (Eastern Kentucky University)
Brandon Creech (Eastern Kentucky University)
Sarah Thompson (Eastern Kentucky University)
Jenna Willand (Eastern Kentucky University)
Tiffany Aldridge (Eastern Kentucky University)
Tao Jiang (Ohio State University)
Rachel Ruholt (Eastern Kentucky University)
Erica Leach (Eastern Kentucky University)
Kimberley Kavanaugh (Eastern Kentucky University)
Jacqueline Shepard (Eastern Kentucky University)
Chase Grosse (post doc, Genesys Regional Medical Center)
Articles Published by Lab Students
Martha, S., & Gore, J. S. (in press). The effects of time perspective and gender on the effectiveness of meditation. Indian Journal of Health and Well-Being.
Hudson, A., & Gore, J. S. (2017). Who’s who in the picture? The association between Facebook profile picture content and social well-being. Journal of Social Media in Society, 6 (2), 184-205.
Hudson, A, & Gore, J. S. (2017). A picture is worth a thousand posts: An exploratory examination of personality traits and profile picture content. Journal of Social Media in Society, 6 (1), 170-188.
Leach, E., & Gore, J. S. (2017). The link between time orientation and religious orientation. Mental Health, Religion, & Culture, 20, 154-161.
Jiang, T., Canevello, A., Gore, J. S., Hahn, J. H., & Crocker, J. (2017). The association between compassionate goals and relational-interdependent self-construal. Self and Identity, 16, 143-170.
Aldridge, T., & Gore, J. S. (2016). Linking personality traits with well-being: The influence of primary social roles. Psychological Studies, 61, 233-244.
Gore, J. S., Griffin, D., & McNierney, D. (2016). Does internal or external locus of control have a stronger link to mental and physical health? Psychological Studies, 61, 181-196.
Gibson, J., & Gore, J. S. (2016). Is he a hero or a weirdo? How norm violations influence the halo effect. Gender Issues, 33, 299-310.
Gore, J. S., Thomas, J., Jones, S., Mahoney, L., Dukes, K., & Treadway, J. (2016). Social predictors of fear of academic success. Educational Review, 68, 155-170.
Gore, J. S., Sheppard, A., Waters, M., Jackson, J., & Brubaker, R. (2016). Cultural differences in seeking mental health counseling: The role of symptom severity and type in Appalachian Kentucky. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 40, 63-76.
Jiang, T., & Gore, J. S. (2016). The relationship between autonomous motivation and goal pursuit: A cross-cultural perspective. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 19, 101-111.
Gore, J. S., Bowman, K., Grosse, C., & Justice, L. (2016). Let’s be healthy together: Relational motivation for physical health is more effective for women. Motivation and Emotion, 40, 36-55.
Gibson, J., & Gore, J. S. (2015). You’re OK until you misbehave: How norm violations magnify the attractiveness devil effect. Gender Issues, 4, 266-278.
Hester, R., & Gore, J. S. (2015). Mechanisms that foster relational motivation. Psychological Studies, 60, 50-55.
Yi, L., Gore, J. S., & Kanagawa, C. (2014). Relational motivation and well-being: A cross-cultural comparison. Japanese Psychological Research, 56, 320-330.
Gore, J. S., Davis, T., Spaeth, G., Bauer, A., Loveland, J., & Palmer, J. (2014). Subjective well-being predictors of academic citizenship behaviors. Psychological Studies, 59, 299-308.
Zimmerman, N. K., Sambrook, E., & Gore, J. S. (2014). The effects of frustration on subsequent task performance. Behaviour and Information Technology, 33, 874-881.
Petrella, M., & Gore, J. S. (2013) Relational self-construal and its relationship to academic citizenship behavior. Psychological Studies, 58, 115-121.
Burton, K. A., Florell, D., Gore, J. S. (2013). Differences in proactive and reactive aggression in traditional bullies and cyberbullies. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 22, 316-328.
Gore, J. S., Kiefner, A. E., & Combs, K. M. (2012). Personality predictors of academic citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 2433-2456.
Burton, K. A., Gore, J. S., & Sturgeon, J. L. (2012). The role of self-construal in response to charity advertisements. Self and Identity, 11, 343-359.
Gore, J. S., Wilburn, K. R., Treadway, J. R., & Plaut, V. C. (2011). Regional collectivism in Appalachia and academic attitudes. Cross-Cultural Research, 45, 376-398.
Schnieders, T. C., & Gore, J. S. (2011). We don’t want your kind here: When people high in narcissism show prejudice against immigrants. Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology, 5, 175-193.
Grosse, C., & Gore, J. S. (2011). A longitudinal study on the relationship between exercise and psychological well-being. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 2, 1-6.
Phifer, W. J., & Gore, J. S. (2010). The association between children’s internalizing and externalizing behavior with cancellation and no-show rates in a community mental health clinic. Journal of Psychological Practice, 16, 47-58.
Brown, L., Bundy, M. B., & Gore, J. S. (2010). Patterns of adaptive performance by individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders on the Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R). International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 9, 315-318.
Gore, J. S., & Wilburn, K. R. (2010). A regional culture model of academic achievement: Comparing Appalachian and non-Appalachian students in Kentucky. Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology, 4, 156-173.
Gore, J. S., & Rogers, M. J. (2010). Why do I study? The moderating role of attachment style on academic motivation. Journal of Social Psychology, 150, 560-578.
Posters Presented by Lab Students
Leach, E., & Gore, J. S. (January, 2017). A link between time orientation and religious orientation. Poster presented at the 18th annual conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Whitt, C. M., & Gore, J. S. (November, 2016 and January, 2017). Distinctions among Christians and conservatives: Differential associations among ideological values and religious orientations. Poster presented at the 39th annual conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Asheville, NC. Also presented at the 18th annual conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Wilson, S. P., Gore, J., Blake, M. E., Renfro, A. G., Treadway, J., Muncie, E., & Duarte, C. (May, 2016). Tethering negatively affects college student success. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Psychology Science, Chicago, IL.
Szarabajko, A., & Gore, J. S. (February, 2016). Relational motivation and athletic performance. Poster presented at the 26th Midwest Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, Chicago, IL.
Griffin, D., & Gore, J. S. (March, 2014). Locus of control and well-being: Separating the measurement of internal and external constructs. Presented at the annual conference of the Southeastern Psychological Association. Nashville, TN.
Jiang, T., & Gore, J.S. (February, 2014). Relationships among self-construal, goal motives, and goal outcomes and the moderating effects of culture. Presented at the Advances in Cultural Psychology preconference at the 15th annual conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Jiang, T., & Gore, J.S. (February, 2014). The associations between compassionate and self-image goals and autonomous and controlled motivations and the moderating role of culture. Presented at the 15th annual conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Barnes, P.W., Henning, J. B., Benzer, J. K., & Gore, J. S. (October, 2013 and May, 2014). The influence of instructor interpersonal style on student motivation. Presented at the River Cities I/O Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN. and the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Bunnell, A. W., Henning, J. B., Benzer, J. K., & Gore, J. S. (October, 2013). The influence of student’s perceptions of instructor on goal orientation in a classroom context. Presented at the River Cities I/O Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Treadway, J. R., Plaut, V. C., Gore, J. S., & Wilburn, K. R. (January 2010). United we stand, divided we fall: Collectivism and its consequences for Kentucky Appalachian college students. Presented at the 11th annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.
Gore, J. S., & Wilburn, K. R. (October, 2008). Regional culture and academics: The association between cultural values and GPA. Presented at the 31st annual conference of the Society for Southeastern Social Psychologists, Greenville, SC.
Gore, J. S., & Runyon, A. C. (October, 2007). Be All You Can Be: Personality and motivation factors that predict self-improvement. Presented at the 30th annual conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Durham, NC.
Denny, M. J., Trew, S. E., & Gore, J. S. (September, 2007). Develop better study habits! The role of gender and attachment style in academic goal pursuit. Presented at the annual conference of the Kentucky Association for Psychology in the Schools, Lexington, KY.