The purpose of the URCE is to foster students’ deep learning, professional skill development, and contributions to the worldwide knowledge base.
We accomplish this by helping students:

Create a Mentorship
Good scholarship starts with a strong, collaborative partnership between a student and a mentor. We help students connect with mentors through a variety of initiatives, including:
The Faculty Mentor List on our website
Our Mentorship Match-Up System
The Faculty Scholars Initiative
The Diversity Scholars Group
Individual Consultations

Present Your Work
Students are encouraged to formally present or perform their work in a variety of settings, including those on and off campus. We promote the following venues and provide additional services:
University Presentation Showcase
Posters at the Capitol
National Conferences on Under-graduate Research (NCUR)
Department & College Showcases
Individual consultations for creating and presenting research posters

Publish Your Work
Publishing one’s scholarly work is important to distribute knowledge to professional audiences. We house the Kentucky Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship (KJUS) at EKU, and we also help students:
Turn their coursework into publishable products
Finalize their work for submission
Navigate the submission process
Create a cover letter

Obtain Funding
We provide several awards for students who need financial assistance in creating and presenting their work. These include:
Travel Awards (up to $500 each)
Supply Awards (up to $100 each)
Poster Awards (up to $50 each)
Registration costs covered for the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)
Funding Sources on our website