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PSY 400: Psychology of Culture
In this course, students learn about culture and how it is related to human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This senior seminar course examines contemporary psychological issues from each of the five core perspectives: biological, cognitive, developmental, social, and skills.

PSY 402 & 403: Independent Study & Practicum in Psychology
In these courses, students learn firsthand how to conduct, evaluate, create, and distribute research in a one-on-one mentorship experience with me. Independent Study students typically create their own project, whereas Practicum students help me with one of my own projects.

PSY 440: Scientific Literacy in Life
In this course, students learn how to evaluate claims made by scientists and in everyday conversations using your knowledge of research methods and statistics. Topics include health, relationships, politics, and self-proclaimed experts. Learn how to spot the B.S. and find the best information!

PSY 510 / 710: Publishing Empirical Research
In this course, students learn how to analyze, write, and submit the results of a psychological study to a journal. Undergraduate students may submit to either a student or professional journal, whereas graduate students must submit to a professional journal. Students also learn how to create a poster and a press release.

PSY 837: Social Psychology & Cultural Diversity
In this graduate course, students learn about topics in social psychology including social influence, persuasion, social cognition, self-justification, aggression and prejudice. Emphasis is placed on multi-cultural diversity and understanding other groups.

PSY 862: Statistics & Research Design II
In this graduate course, students learn principles and techniques of scientific observation, control, and analysis, specifically oriented to multivariate research in psychology. Students also evaluate research designs and their implementation in professional settings.

GSD 401: McNair Research Symposium
In this course, students learn about the preliminary steps in getting a research project started, including summarizing the literature, identifying the research problem, and creating research questions. Students also learn how to locate journal outlets and research conferences.