Self-Concept Change

Each person's concept of "me" is nurtured by their social environments. When entering new social environments, many people experience changes to their self-concepts. My research focuses on three elements that drive change: rewards, social comparisons, and cognitive accessibility.
My research in this area has focused on the best methods to use for assessing change across multiple self-aspects, as well as the intrapersonal and environmental factors that predict the likelihood that someone's self-concept will change.
Future research will apply the three elements of change across a variety of health domains, including mental health counseling, drug rehabilitation, and comprehensive exercise and nutrition programs. I would also like to integrate my programs of research involving self-construals and cultural values with my tripartite model of self-concept change elements.
Tichenor, D., & Gore, J. S. (in preparation). Social comparisons and self-concept change: An examination of upward, downward and lateral comparisons.
Tichenor, D., & Gore, J. S. (under review). Out with the old, in with the new? How close relationships foster self-concept change.
Jiang, T., Canevello, A., Gore, J. S., Hahn, J. H., & Crocker, J. (2017). The association between compassionate goals and relational-interdependent self-construal. Self and Identity, 16, 143-170.
Gore, J. S., & Cross, S. E. (2014). Who am I becoming? A theoretical framework for understanding self-concept change. Self and Identity, 13, 740-764.
Gore, J. S., Cross, S. E., & Russell, D. L. (2013). Assessing change in a personality profile. American Journal of Psychology, 126, 83-96.
Gore, J. S., & Cross, S. E. (2011). Defining and measuring self-concept change. Psychological Studies, 56, 135-141.
Gore, J. S. (May, 2016). Who am I becoming? A theoretical framework for self-concept change. Symposium presented at the 28th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Gore, J. S. (September, 2011). Four routes to self-concept change. Presented at the University of Kentucky Social Area Brown Bag, Lexington, KY.
Jiang, T., & Gore, J.S. (February, 2014). The associations between compassionate and self-image goals and autonomous and controlled motivations and the moderating role of culture. Presented at the 15th annual conference for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Gore, J. S., Cross, S. E., & Russell, D. L. (February, 2009). Measuring overall change in a Big Five personality profile. Presented at the 10th annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.